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Green Mining has developed Intelligent Reverse Logistics technology to efficiently retrieve post-consumer packaging and bring it back into the production cycle. Our traceability system ensures that all material collected is sent for recycling. The startup works with registered collectors (signed card for people who have few job opportunities) and with all protective equipment.

Reverse logistic

Solution for companies to comply
the National Policy of Solid Waste

Helping to reduce
pollution and encouraging recycling in the paradises of Brazil!

Factory price station

Bring in recyclable waste and

Where to dispose

Where to dispose of recyclable waste in São Paulo


What is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse Logistics is a solution for recovering post-consumer packaging
and sending it for recycling or reuse, preventing the material from going
to a landfill.

It is a company/industry that takes responsibility for what will happen
to the waste generated by the products it sells and ensures that it does
not harm the environment. Reverse Logistics comes to bring more
sustainability to the production process.

O que é Logística Reversa

How does Green Mining

Through an unique algorithm, Green Mining maps out
post-consumer waste generation points. In areas
where a large quantity is identified, a receiving center
called HUB is installed - all the material collected in
the surrounding area is stored there before heading
to its final destination.

Our collectors, using tricycles, travel through the
registered venues of that area and return with
the material to the HUB.

When the HUB reaches its capacity, the material
is sent to recycling companies.

All material is weighed at each stage of the process
and all is recorded in the Green Mining system,
which will ensure that everything collected is
properly disposed.

Thus we have the total tracking of origin, route and
destination, with security of blockchain technology
operated with smart contract.

Receiving Center Receiving Center
Transport Transport
Recycling Plant Recycling Plant

We participate in the Circular
Economy process, ensuring
proper collection and shipping
to recycling plants.

Refletir - Reduzir - Reutilizar - Recliclar


Green Mining has a cost-effective solution for companies to be able to retrieve materials and take them back to the supply chain to fulfill their role in shared responsibility as set out in the National Solid Waste Policy (2010) and to 'ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns'- one of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN in 2015.

Under industry agreements, companies must prove the actual recall of its post-consumer packaging by at least 22% of the quantity that has been placed on the market. Green Mining's system and operation gives security of the exact amount of each material collected. Also ensuring that the industry will not risk having its image linked to the exploitation of child labor, the use of informal labor or workers without safety equipment. This, of course, in addition to collaborating with the environment, reducing the exploitation of natural resources.

Green Mining is a simple and consistent solution for environmental, social and economic purposes.

Ambiental Social Econômico